About Us

Solopreneurs was founded in 2015 as the premiere news and information source for small and medium-sized business owners, sole proprietors, and business people who want to learn more about the soft skills necessary to successfully run a business. We felt that many of the larger websites also focused their attention on larger businesses, where an entrepreneur might have a full IT team, marketing department, and board of advisors.

For small companies, when one person must wear many different hats, the skills necessary are different. We focus our attention on how companies survive those early years, and how to make sure that they flourish during that time.

Our Mission

Business language can be dense and boring. At Solopreneurs.co, we want to help everyday people grow their businesses by bringing the latest news and business concepts like marketing, networking, and financial decisions using approachable language, common sense examples, and data-driven knowledge of the industry. Although our website is new, the founders and writers at Solopreneurs.co have been doing this for years. We know what it’s like to learn on our feet, frantically Googling a concept to try and have a working definition of what the client wants before the afternoon meeting. We want to make that process a little easier for small business owners.

Furthermore, we also want to combat the idea that the business side of running a business is boring. In the mainstream press, we see all the attention paid to Steve Jobs shouting at his employees and forcing them towards ever more simple designs, and Bill Gates mercilessly buying up small companies to acquire patents and technologies to drive Windows forward. We hear stories about Google employees playing foosball at work, and never what happens when the team sits down for a meeting about the new marketing initiative.

We believe that the business side of running a business – choosing a marketing plan, creating a brand, learning the ins and outs of social media, deciding on the right moment to bring on different teams and specialists, defining and supporting the growth goals of your business – can be beautiful and exciting, just as much as your Eureka moment. And even if you don’t find it as beautiful as we do, we hope that we can help you find it less of a hassle.

Writers at Solopreneurs.co

The content writers at Solopreneurs.co are a diverse team of businesspeople, freelancers, and experienced professionals who have come together in service to the overall mission of making the path a little easier to walk for those who come along after us.

Do you love to write about technology, marketing, business skills, entrepreneurship, and the soft skills of business ownership? Can you turn around content quickly, committing to a regular contribution? Solopreneurs.co is always searching for qualified individuals who want to join our content team, especially if you have a diverse background that is not already represented amongst our team. Contact us here to find out more about writing for Solopreneurs.co.

Margarita Hakobyan, Founder

Margarita Hakobyan is a successful entrepreneur, blogger, and consultant for small businesses. She was born and raised in Armenia, and moved to the United States in 2000 in search of both educational and work opportunities. She has worked with and co-founded a number of startups, but her most well-known ventures are Movers Corp, the first online marketplace for listing and booking moving companies, and WordPress Events Planner, a website plug-in that makes registering and planning for training, class, or event seamless and efficient.

Her writing has been featured in a number of business-focused websites, including Huffington Post, Tech.co, and Business.com, amongst many others. She currently lives in Utah, where she works as a business consultant.