11 Business Ideas For Women With No Startup Costs

thinking women

We often think of starting your own business as something that requires a huge commitment in both time and money. In fact, there are many small business and side business possibilities that can be run right alongside a traditional career, bringing in some extra money. These ideas could also expand to be a full time business, once some experience has been gained.

These 11 ideas will get you thinking about how you could turn your talents into high powered business concepts.

1. Freelancing

Is there something you’re good at, like writing, graphic design, or editing? With the gig economy rapidly expanding, there are tons of business opportunities out there for well-organized professionals wanting to put their skills to the test.

Start soliciting clients directly, or go through a platform like Upwork to begin gathering your references.

2. Virtual Personal Assistant

Personal assistants are often the grease that keeps businesses running smoothly, but not every company can afford to have a personal assistant on site full time every day. If you are organized, good on the phone, and able to work with relatively little supervision, you may be able to work as a virtual personal assistant. Again, platforms that connect businesses to freelancers are a great way to get started.

3. Tester or Reviewer

Companies know that word-of-mouth buzz is still the best way to get their product noticed in a busy marketplace. If you have an already established blog or social media presence, you may be able to get free stuff for review. If you link your reviews to affiliate websites, you may be able to generate a little bit of cash as well.

4. Website Developer

If you’ve built a great website, you may already have the most important skills needed to develop websites for other entrepreneurs, businesses, and startups. In the digital age, every company needs an Internet home where their customers can find exactly what they need, and while social media is a great way to reach customers, experts recommend that all businesses have a home of their own.

5. Designing Business Plans

New companies use business plans to enter contests, approach investors, secure funding, guide their companies, and much more. Experienced entrepreneurs with a knack for writing can either serve as consultants to craft a new company’s business plan, or write one from scratch with input from the company. While some entrepreneurs might consider a business loan, these low-cost startup ideas can often be bootstrapped, allowing you to grow organically without the burden of debt.

6. Resume Writer

In a busy world where getting attention from your top prospective employer is hard, many applicants rely on stellar resumes to get them into the interview round. If you’ve worked in HR or recruitment, you can help craft resumes that hit the WOW factor and improve your client’s chances of getting picked out of the pile.

7. Photo Sales

Experienced photographers often look for weddings and portraits to make a name for themselves, but if you have an eye for a different type of photography, you can often make money by creating stock photos and loading them onto photo sales sites. Take a look at places like iStockphoto to see what’s available and look for opportunities to fill in gaps.

For example, there’s a shocking lack of stock photos that feature people of color doing everyday things like buying groceries, working in offices, and more.

8. Call Center Representative

You might think of call centers as being highly centralized, and that’s true for some businesses; for many more, however, having employees who work from home is more financially appropriate.

Taking calls in your own home means you can dress however you want, and you will usually be provided with training and scripts so that you know just what to say.

9. Life Coach or Mentoring

Have you turned your life around or accomplished a number of impressive feats? Tell other people how you’ve done it and help them achieve the same results through work as a life coach or mentor. This can be either personal, professional, or relationship spheres.

10. Grocery Delivery

Many big supermarkets offer grocery delivery for a hefty fee; if you can afford to do it for less, you can see substantial savings. Partner with organizations that support the disabled and elderly to try and get grant money to support your fledgling business.

11. Digital Media Conversion

From photos to old video cassettes, many people have analog media sitting in their basements, garages, and in storage sheds. They want what’s on there, but they lack either the time or the skill to digitize the items.

If you have the right equipment and know-how, digitizing CDs, photos, and more doesn’t take that much hands-on time, but can get you a substantial fee.

Yes, many startup businesses have hefty price tags, especially if you’ve looked into franchising or other small business ownership methods. But just because some businesses are expensive doesn’t mean that a lack of ready cash should set you back. Consider your options, your skills, and your availability, and then get started! If you’re a woman looking to make a mark in the entrepreneurial world, consider collaborating with a women-owned company to gain invaluable insights and expand your network.


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